Pooley Bridge Neighbourhood Watch Scheme – relaunched in 2012, at the request and authority of Barton Parish Council, by Joint Co-ordinators, David Armitage and Cyril Wilson, the scheme aims “to help in the fight against crime and the fear of crime and to preserve the safety of our community”.
Currently our area has the lowest recorded number of reported crimes over a period of six years. Registered online with the County and National organisation, the scheme now has 72 members and Neighbourhood Watch logo stickers are visible throughout the properties in the Village and Parish. Communication is achieved via the Cumbria Community Messaging online system, by Newsletters distributed to homes and businesses, and by face to face meetings.
Two offshoot safety initiatives are :
(1) the installation of two public access defibrillators in cabinets, one outside the Crown Hotel, the other outside the Village Hall – both linked to the North West Ambulance Service. Training sessions for locals are held with Penrith Fire and Rescue crews, sponsored by HeartStart, to educate in the use of defibrillators and CPR life saving skills. Instruction DVD’s have been distributed to local businesses to encourage staff awareness. Our scheme has been awarded a Gold Cardiac Smart Award for services to date, and
(2) the amalgamation of the previous Flood Group into a newly formed Barton Community Resilience Group to create a ‘Community Emergency Plan’ in conjunction with the relevant Authorities and Agencies.
Enquiries about the scheme and membership should be made to either of the Joint Co-ordinators :
David Armitage
T: 017684 86167
E: davidarmitage167@btinternet.com
Cyril Wilson
T: 017684 86990
E: cyrilwilson41@gmail.com
Street Level Crime figures July 2016
Street Level Crime figures May 2016